Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Here is a resolution that new school board member Darbi Boddy sent to the rest of the Lakota Local School Board just a few hours before their most recent school board work session on the master facilities plan. This resolution was made in an attempt to bypass the standard policy process and be put into action just hours after it was introduced with no community input. Here’s the full resolution and “supporting evidence” with no commentary. Read it and form your own opinion.


Supporting Evidence

Epoch Times – More Than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms

Epoch Times – ‘Defeat the Mandates’: Thousands Protest In Washington Against Vaccine Requirements

Technocracy.News: CJ Hopkins: The Final Days Of The Covidian Cult

Epoch Times – Doctor Suspend from Houston Methodist for Backing Ivermectin and Opposing Vaccine Mandates Sues Hospital

Epoch Times – EXCLUSIVE: Nationwide Surge In Deaths Among People Aged 18-49: A State by State Overview

Epoch Times – EXCLUSIVE: States Investigating Surge In Mortality Rate Among 18-49 Year Olds, Majority Unrelated to COVID-19

Epoch Times – Fully Vaccinated Australians In Hospital for COVID-19 Surpass Unvaccinated

Daily Wire – General Electric Suspends Vaccine Or Test Requirement After Supreme Court Ruling

NTD – Israel, One of Most Vaccinated Countries in the World, Sets New Covid-19 Case Record

The Blaze – It’s Time to make life a living hell for anti vaxxers,’ Washington Post columnist writes

Epoch Times – Joseph Mercola: Do More Children Die From the COVID Shot Than From COVID?

Epoch Times – Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination Against Delta Virus Variant: Study

bad cattitude – new data on vaccine efficacy from scotland and more evidence on bayesian datacrime (sic)

Epoch Times – PART 2: Dr. Robert Malone on Risks of Vaccinating Children, Herd Immunity Misconceptions and the Omicron-Vaccine-Mismatch

Just The News – Supreme Court justices make puzzling claims about COVID stats in challenges to vaccine mandates

The Atlantic – The CDC’s Flawed Case for Wearing Masks In School

Tablet – The Cult of Masked School Children

The Blaze – UC San Francisco director of ER COVID response: The real crisis facing California hospitals isn’t Omicron cases, it’s strict quarantine rules

Epoch Times – Why Did US Deaths Shoot Up 40 Percent Above Normal Last Year?